Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Getting Started: Your Guide to Windows 8

1. On Windows 8 Installation
Installation of Windows 8 from disc is remarkably straightforward. As long as your system hardware meets the minimum
requirements, you should have little problem running the installer.
Processor: 1 GHz (with PAE, NX and SSE2 support) either 32-bit or 64-bit
Memory: 1 GB 2 GB
Graphics Card: DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver
Storage: 20 GB
The process is very similar to Windows 7. To begin with, the language preferences are set early on, and after clicking
Install Now, you will be prompted for the product key, and required to agree to the Microsoft license.
After this, you will need to choose between an upgrade and a custom install. If you’re installing from scratch, use the
second option; the location for installing the new OS can be set with ease (assuming the device or partition is fast
A green bar will chart the installation’s progress, and when almost done you will be prompted to make some personalization
choices. Your favoured background colour and a name for your PC should be selected, while you will be given
a choice between Use express settings and Customize when the installer comes to setup automatic updates, personalise
apps, enable sharing and more. The second option is better if you prefer to configure these settings yourself.
You will then be prompted to sign into Windows 8, using either a Windows email account or a local account. Either can
be created as long as the computer is online. Once this is done, Windows 8 will prepare itself for first use.
2 Upgrading from Previous Windows Versions

2.1Windows XP
Of course, you might not be installing from scratch. If you already have a fully functioning computer then you will prefer
to upgrade your current version of Windows.
Upgrading from Windows Vista and 7 is straightforward; upgrading from Windows XP isn’t.
It would be foolish to attempt either type of upgrade without backing up all vital data on your computer, but in the case
of Windows XP it really is a case of making an archive, wiping your hard disk drive and then using the steps above
for a clean install. Once this has been done, you can manually restore your vital data back to Windows 8 in Desktop
mode, where you will be able to access the user libraries (Documents, Pictures, Music, etc.) that were introduced in
2.2 Windows Vista and Windows 7
It’s a little easier installing Windows 8 with onto a Vista/7 computer due in the main to the similarities between the
three operating systems.
Again, the steps in Appendix 1 should be followed, but instead of choosing the custom install, select Upgrade. However
it cannot be repeated enough – backup your data before performing the upgrade, as failures in the installation
can happen, something that might leave your computer unable to boot.

Download Link : 

Microsoft_Press_eBook_Programming Windows 8 Apps with HTML CSS and JavaScript

Download Link :


Windows 8 for Dummies

About the Author

Andy Rathbone started geeking around with computers
in 1985 when he bought a 26-pound portable
CP/M Kaypro 2X. Like other nerds of the day,
he soon began playing with null-modem adapters,
dialing computer bulletin boards, and working
part-time at Radio Shack.
He wrote articles for various techie publications
before moving to computer books in 1992. He’s written
the Windows For Dummies series, Upgrading &
Fixing PCs For Dummies, TiVo For Dummies, PCs: The
Missing Manual, and many other computer books.
Today, he has more than 15 million copies of his
books in print, and they’ve been translated into
more than 30 languages. You can reach Andy at his

Download Link: 

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Microsoft Press ebook Introducing Windows 8 PDF

The Windows 8 operating system is the newest member of the Windows
It’s different than earlier Windows releases as much for what it does
not change as for what it does change. That is, the features that IT pros loved
about Windows 7 are still there in Windows 8—just better. The same keyboard
shortcuts, management tools, security features, and deployment options are
available in Windows 8. But in many cases, Windows 8 improves them in intuitive
and significant ways. Random examples are the ribbon in File Explorer and faster
disk encryption when using BitLocker Drive Encryption. This book describes these
enhancements plus many of the new features in Windows 8.
Of course, everyone is talking about the new user interface in Windows 8: the
Start screen, the modern looking windows graphics, and so on. These are not
replacements for the desktop, and it is not an either-or choice that you have to
make. For desktop apps, the same desktop that you used in Windows 7 is still
there in Windows 8. You can still pin apps to the taskbar, pin files to those apps,
and so on. The keyboard and mouse work the same way as it did before on the
desktop. But Windows 8 uses a Start screen instead of the tiny Start menu in
8. The most obvious benefit is that there is more real estate available
and so apps can display dynamic, live information on their tiles (icons) to bring the
latest information to you at a single glance.
Windows 8 also introduces Windows 8 apps. These are full screen, immersive
apps that provide a different experience than you might be used to with
desktop apps. They do not have chrome. App commands (menu items)
only appear when you need them. Importantly, Windows 8 and Windows 8 apps
a first-class touch experience, so you can swipe, flick, and use other
gestures to get around them.
This book describes these new and improved features. It focuses on IT pros,
however, so we spend fewer pages talking about the new user interface and
more talking about management, deployment, and security. This book is just
an introduction,
an overview. For more detailed information about any of the
and capabilities you learn about in this book, the one resource you
need to know about is the Springboard Series on TechNet. The URL is simply

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